2018 Men's League, Team Standings
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Number | Rank | Teams | Total Points | Team Members |
1 | 1 | Insurance Plus | 81.00 | Brad Seaman | Eldon Swingler | Jay Gellhaus | Jeff Reuer | John Kokales ... |
2 | 2 | Golf Dudes | 60.00 | Andy Rehder | Carl Bot | Jim Patterson | Josh Bowen | Kim Zimmerman | Ro... |
3 | 3 | Plains Edge Chiropractic | 57.50 | Andy Johnson | Brian Rau | Heath Johnson | Josh Finer | Kerry Jacobson |... |
4 | 4 | Draw-Shank Redemptions | 47.50 | Chad Lang | Justin Doctor | Keith Brandenburger | Michael Johnson | Ryan... |
5 | 5 | Lamont Companies | 46.50 | Brett Rezatto | Chris Lamont | James Koehler | Jeff Lamont | Jordan Kary... |
6 | 6 | Steven Lust Automotive | 44.50 | Brent Heinert | Corey Casanova | Jared Hannigan | Jared Jacobson | Jeff ... | Totals: | 337.00 |